Thanks to BoomTown for publishing these short thoughts. I’ve written about values and the real estate industry in the past, but I thought I’d share these quick thoughts here, along with a transcription of the video. The first thought was cut off and really should be completed.
“What I know is that the people who’ve taken their values and have incorporated them into the daily conversations in their business life, that make it a part of what they do,” the video cuts off the thought. I’d like to finish it, “these are the companies that get it, the companies that get the true impact of their values to their bottom line and to their brand.” Those companies know that their values are more than words on a wall.
The video continues, “You know, you can train a lot of skills. Values, they’re kinda set. And I think from a recruitment standpoint, your company culture can attract a lot of really good people. But if you don’t apply the filters that end up creating that culture in your hiring process, you run the risk of having people come in who are going to dilute that culture, dilute your brand, because their actions don’t align with the actions of everyone else.”
“The industry as a whole, I think, needs to do something about trust, but it starts with the really good agents making the stand to say, ‘I’m going to go and do what I need to change my behaviors, get myself in line, make certain my team aligns with that.’ If they do that, real estate will get that trust back.”
[…] leichter, die Bewerber auszuwählen, die auch wirklich zu euch passen. Ganz nach dem Leitsatz „you can train a lot of skills. Values, they’re kinda set“ solltest du Bewerber, die zwar gute fachliche Qualifikationen haben, aber nicht deine […]